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Nuclear Fusion Reactor For Energy - Now A reality?

The JT60-SA Largest Nuclear Fusion Reactor was fired up in Japan. This is one more step closer towards achieving enough energy to power the entire planet. Once this is achieved, it is game over; the EU is partnered with Japan on this project and they will be crowned king of the hill should they succeed.

Don't forget, the EU and the WEF are connected at the hip and this could be a real big challenge for other countries that wants to remain sovereign and independent. If they are successful, Fossil Fuels is a thing of the past. The World is definitely going through some massive changes and change is inevidable, regardless of the outcome. As we all know, the WEF's ambition is to control the entire planet. They want a one world order and they are willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. In fact, they want you to know that they are the science and technology; they said so themselves.

Look, I am all for science and technology, my problem is with the intent of the creators. What say you?

A scientist hard at work
Nuclear Fusion Reactor For Energy


World’s largest nuclear fusion reactor comes online in Japan

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